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You receive instructions and an address from the mysterious website.

At noon the next Monday, you arrive at a mysterious building downtown. After knocking on the door in an intricate pattern, you are admitted to a large room with ten other people. They range in age from preteens to middle-aged adults, and seem to come from various walks of life. There's a young teenager wearing a very well-fitted suit, a portly man who gives off Eau De Used Car Salesman, a 50-something woman in a tracksuit, and a woman in very soiled clothes holding a small terrier. Nervous chatter fills the air.

After only a few seconds, the anticipation builds to a point. What are you doing here? Did you really believe that spam?

As you turn to leave, the lights dim. You direct your attention back to the front of the room, where a short woman in a bowler cap has appeared.

"Welcome to Caverstone," she says, her voice a pleasant rumble. "We will begin by testing each of your abilities. Do not worry" - she hastens to add - "you all are more than qualified to be students here. This is so that your instructors can know where you all are starting. The low-water-line, if you will.

"Please, follow me to individual rooms when I call your name."

Your name is called first.

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